Adaptive Behavior Scales
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- Description
Adaptive Tests
Adaptive behavioural scales refer to personal qualities associated with being able to meet an individual's personal needs such as communication, social interaction, self-care and other real-life daily life skills acquired, whatever a child or individual actually does Or they can do it, without helping others and in proportion to their age. With the expectations of the environment and society, to live independently and work well in everyday life, adaptation skills are becoming increasingly complicated with age, adaptive behaviour measures consist of four main areas (conceptual, social, practical and motor skills), which refer to the performance of individuals in their daily lives and use adaptive behavioural measures from one month to 80 years of age, and help identify strengths and weaknesses of daily functional skills acquired, monitor the child's progress and development over time, help identify developmental, educational and behavioral disabilities or disorders
Adaptive Behavior Scale Report
Amount 1
Adaptive Behavior Scale
Amount 1